When the game hits the ground one adventure ends as another begins. Magnificent in life, that critter is poised to deliver a killer encore on a new stage — your dinner table.

Maybe some faces in your house don’t light up when they hear wild meat is on the menu.  I hope to spark simple new ideas to ensure your family and guests truly enjoy all the game that graces your table.

These recipes are my main go-to uses for wild meat.  They are a bit wordier than your average recipe.  Writing them I try for a conversation with you, not just a list of ingredients and steps.

Most of the items below are articles I have published in Outdoor Guide Magazine, where I am the Conservation Editor.

Food Articles:

Though this site was created with game in mind, most things also apply to lean domestic meats. Poultry, lean pork, even grassfed beef. The dove recipe, for instance, works great with virtually any meat cut to size.  And some things here apply even more broadly (stock, spices, freezing, brining, etc).

Poke around – I’m sure you’ll find something interesting!

I value your feedback, and would be happy to answer any questions.

All contents © Steve Jones, 2013-